Grafana Zabbix Plugin Support Compatibility

I have recently installed Zabbix Plugin (Alexander Zobnin) to my local Grafana instance.
Even though I am able to enable the plugin and add as the datasource. Its even fetching the hosts groups etc. But I am not able to view any metrics data .

Brwoser debug tools , returning empty results array from zabbix api.

I have installed the following version.
Grafana CLI version 7.3.1
alexanderzobnin-zabbix-app @ 4.0.1
and zabbix API version 5.0.5

Does zabbix plugin has compatibility issue with the above versions.

Any help will be apprciated.


Hi @jthampan there’s a chance the issue you’re experiencing is related to the bug identified here that is actively being worked on:

Hi Samantha,
Thanks for the reply. I have checked the link provided by you. I believe the issue I am facing is not connected with the bug. Mean while I am going through other bugs reported to find out any related issues.
