Grafana wont load log lines after adding timestamp in promtail config

  • What Grafana version and what operating system are you using?
  • What are you trying to achieve?
    My log lines currently have time stamps in the following format 20/Sep/2022:09:52:57 +0000. Currently the timestamps on grafana are being read at scrape (default). I want them to populate with the actual time.
  • How are you trying to achieve it?
    I am adding a timestamp stage with a custom format.
  • What happened?
    Adding the timestamp stage causes logs to stop appearing when queried.
  • What did you expect to happen?
    Logs would query all the same but with the correct timestamp.
  • Can you copy/paste the configuration(s) that you are having problems with?
    promtail config
  http_listen_port: 9080
  grpc_listen_port: 0
  log_level: debug

  filename: /tmp/positions.yaml

  - url: http://loki:3100/loki/api/v1/push


# local machine logs

- job_name: local
  - targets:
      - localhost
      job: varlogs
      __path__: /var/log/*.log
  - match:
      selector: '{job="varlogs"}'
      - json:
            time: time_local
      - timestamp:
          source: time
          format: '02/Jan/2006:15:04:05 -0700'
          fallback_formats: ['02/Jan/2006:15:04:05 -0700', 'RFC3339']
          action_on_failure: skip

Loki Config

auth_enabled: false

  http_listen_port: 3100
  grpc_listen_port: 9096
  log_level: debug

  path_prefix: /tmp/loki
      chunks_directory: /tmp/loki/chunks
      rules_directory: /tmp/loki/rules
  replication_factor: 1
      store: inmemory

    - from: 2020-10-24
      store: boltdb-shipper
      object_store: filesystem
      schema: v11
        prefix: index_
        period: 24h

  alertmanager_url: http://localhost:9093

  #ingestion_rate_mb: 10
  #ingestion_burst_size_mb: 50
  reject_old_samples: false
  #per_stream_rate_limit: 10MB
  #per_stream_rate_limit_burst: 50MB

Promtail logs

level=debug ts=2022-09-26T01:38:19.527634648Z caller=manager.go:265 component=discovery msg="Starting provider" provider=static/0 subs=map[local:{}]
level=debug ts=2022-09-26T01:38:19.527901298Z caller=manager.go:299 component=discovery msg="Discoverer channel closed" provider=static/0
level=info ts=2022-09-26T01:38:19.529054758Z caller=server.go:288 http=[::]:9080 grpc=[::]:39077 msg="server listening on addresses"
level=info ts=2022-09-26T01:38:19.52931686Z caller=main.go:121 msg="Starting Promtail" version="(version=2.6.1, branch=HEAD, revision=6bd05c9a4)"
level=debug ts=2022-09-26T01:38:24.528096622Z caller=filetargetmanager.go:278 msg="new target" labels="{__address__=\"localhost\"}"
level=info ts=2022-09-26T01:38:24.528193572Z caller=filetargetmanager.go:338 msg="Adding target" key="/var/log/*.log:{job=\"varlogs\"}"
level=info ts=2022-09-26T01:38:24.534297631Z caller=filetarget.go:278 msg="watching new directory" directory=/var/log
level=debug ts=2022-09-26T01:38:24.534345771Z caller=filetarget.go:318 msg="tailing new file" filename=/var/log/test.log
ts=2022-09-26T01:38:24.535117494Z caller=log.go:168 level=info msg="Seeked /var/log/test.log - &{Offset:0 Whence:0}"
level=info ts=2022-09-26T01:38:24.53510711Z caller=tailer.go:143 component=tailer msg="tail routine: started" path=/var/log/test.log
level=debug ts=2022-09-26T01:38:24.536870553Z caller=json.go:182 component=file_pipeline component=stage type=json msg="extracted data debug in json stage" extracteddata="map[filename:/var/log/test.log job:varlogs timestamp:17/Sep/2022:09:52:57 +0000]"
level=debug ts=2022-09-26T01:38:24.537055305Z caller=json.go:182 component=file_pipeline component=stage type=json msg="extracted data debug in json stage" extracteddata="map[filename:/var/log/test.log job:varlogs timestamp:17/Sep/2022:09:52:58 +0000]"
level=debug ts=2022-09-26T01:38:24.537138191Z caller=json.go:182 component=file_pipeline component=stage type=json msg="extracted data debug in json stage" extracteddata="map[filename:/var/log/test.log job:varlogs timestamp:17/Sep/2022:09:52:58 +0000]"
level=debug ts=2022-09-26T01:38:24.537679344Z caller=json.go:182 component=file_pipeline component=stage type=json msg="extracted data debug in json stage" extracteddata="map[filename:/var/log/test.log job:varlogs timestamp:17/Sep/2022:09:52:58 +0000]"

Sample Log Line

{"time_local":"17/Sep/2022:09:52:57 +0000","request":"","method":"POST","protocol":"HTTP/1.1","status":"200"}
  • Did you receive any errors in the Grafana UI or in related logs? If so, please tell us exactly what they were.
    I did not spot any errors.
  • Did you follow any online instructions? If so, what is the URL?
    timestamp | Grafana Loki documentation

Could you specify fhe exact timestamp format, the exact RFC?

1 Like

I’m using a custom timestamp format
02/Jan/2006:15:04:05 -0700

I tested here Go Playground - The Go Programming Language using this code

/ Golang program to illustrate the usage of
// time.Parse() function

// Including main package
package main

// Importing fmt and time
import (

// Calling main
func main() {

	// Declaring layout constant
	const layout = "02/Jan/2006:15:04:05 -0700"

	// Calling Parse() method with its parameters
	tm, _ := time.Parse(layout, "20/Sep/2022:09:52:57 +0000")

	// Returns output

heres something interesting when running this command, that specifies the config file, it actually shows the converted timestamp in blue.
cat /var/log/test.log | promtail --stdin -log.level=debug --dry-run --config.file=/etc/promtail/promtail-config.yml --client.url

this is what my docker compose is set to run. so not sure why its not populating the same inside of grafana/loki frontend.

I found that Grafana Loki has a huge delay on displaying logs with custom timestamp if the custom timestamp is older than 2 hours from “now”.

So just wait like 3 hours then check again in the UI. If it didn’t work you can restart Loki and wait another 3 hours.

I am running Grafana Enterprise, Loki & Promtail in Ubuntu 18 Virtual Machine.