I am rendering a table with Grafana Infinity Datasource, it display the records correctly but when I am trying to use the time filter just above the table (let say as Last 5 minutes) it is still displaying all the records whereas I have few records for that interval.
@yesoreyeram thanks for the response. Actually based on the elasticsearch response I need to dynamically add some more fields to the table and for that I am using JSONata helper functions which I was not able to achieve via the Elasticsearch plugin.
As per your response “You need to pass date filter to your query”
Actually I am new to elasticsearch and grafana can you please suggest me how to do this in infinity plugin ?
@yesoreyeram can you please update how to make the grafana time filter work as I need it urgently ?
Also there is one more issue I am facing related to size of records, after 10000 records grafana is throwing bad request 400 whereas I can see the count in es records way more than 10K.
I don’t think this is an issue with Grafana/Infinity plugin. Instead of pulling 10K+ records, I suggest to query aggregated resutls / use group by mechanism in your query. It is not a good idea to pull 10K+ records
I understood like pulling more than 10K is not a good idea, but I need to understand that whether it is even to possible pull all the records from opensearch index to Grafana even though the “max_default_window” is set to 10K in opensearch ? If yes, can you please provide the solution that would be really helpful, please note, I don’t wish to update the index settings.
you are correct but what I meant was if elasticsearch has some features that could render the next set of 10K records and so on. and because of this I came across this doc Paginate search results, but I am not sure if it is feasible to achieve in grafana. sorry for not mentioning in my prior reply.