Grafana for processing monitoring

@tsprinter sorry, this has been sitting on a forgotten tab :slight_smile:

Is the data is already aggregrated? If it is then I donā€™t know how you would do it. Using your example:

One series looks like this:

Card Product - Count
Plastic - 150
ApplePay - 320

and the other series looks like this:

Auth Type - Count
PayPass - 300
E-Com - 170

Do you what version of Graphite you are running? 1.0 was released recently with lots of new functions.

The divideSeriesList function if you have it in your Graphite would handle the amount/count case.

This is the tricky part of using Graphite. How have you aggregated it and what does your storage scheme look like in Graphite? Are you rolling up the data after 7 days? This is why I would recommend aggregating with Graphite rather than using the aggregation options in Worldmap. You probably need to use the summarize function.

Yes they are. But the question is, can i use 2 different layers of the data on the same graph like in Excel (see example for amount/count)

I am using it actually, however it is showing something strange :slight_smile: How to check and where? :-)))

  • You mean you just want to show them on the same graph? Do you mean multiple queries like this example?

  • By default Graphite stores the average for rolled up data. Not the sum. You have to change that aggregation yourself. The consolidateBy function is one way to do that.

Hi Daniel,

Another question.
Can i put more than 1 datasource to the worldmap?
For example i want to see

  1. Brazil.Purchases 10%
    Brazil.Cash 20%
  2. Ukraine Purchases 5%
    Ukraine.Cash 18%
    and so on. To merge them on one pie for each country as a pieslicesā€¦

Now it looks like a circle in the circle :slight_smile: and it is not informative at all.
See example:

And it would be great to add clickable legend for each datasourceā€¦ For example on 1 map i can see Purchases/Cash/Credits separatelly, but when i click on the legend i will see only 1 typeā€¦

Also looks like i found a bug :slight_smile: USA States are not on the map as they sould for 3char countries (states are 2 char as per MC specs) Could you also fix it?

Any chance to upgrade WorlMap plugin? :slight_smile: At least to see 2 char US states on the map in the 3char regim.
Also legend with different sources would be very helpful.
Pieslices are not so important but also more interesting than circle in the circle :slight_smile:

Added some set of separate requests to the GitHub:

@tsprinter Iā€™m still catching up after being on vacation. I will try and answer/fix these in the next week or so.

Thanks a lot.

27 days lost, any chance to solve at least some small tickets?
It would be very helpfulā€¦

Another bug found:

Still waiting for fixes.
Nothing happened yet.

@tsprinter sorry, but I have higher priority work at the moment than the Worldmap panel. We are all working hard on the next major release of Grafana and Worldmap works well enough for the worldPing app (which is the main usecase for us).

If you want help with this issue then you will have to give me more information. I could not reproduce it. If you are using the latest version of Grafana there is a query inspector to see the results of the queries. Otherwise, you will have to investigate using the Chrome Dev Tools.

tsprinter, please come back with updates. i have pretty much same problems that makes me take tramadol because of the headaches i have thanks to thisā€¦ would appreciate if someone could answer some of my questions that i might have for you later. thanks!

@daniellee Ok, i will waitā€¦
Anyway there are 6 issues raised, so please let me know if at least one of them could be investigated, probably after new release will be published.
To reproduce them i could open TeamViewer if you dont mind. It would be much faster to understand the reasonsā€¦

Any chance to fix issues # 85, 86, 87, 88, 89 and 101? :slight_smile:

Sorry, not at the moment. Busy with the Azure Monitor data source plugin and Grafana 5.0 for now.

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Any chance to book a slot in your calendar? :wink:

Absolutely @tsprinter, Iā€™ll drop you an email now. :slight_smile:

Still i cant see plans to solve mentioned issues :slight_smile:
Also i am adding another case which is applicable to WorldMap: