What did you expect to happen?
What I expect is I can “group by” time and terms, and then show multiple metrics like SUM and COUNT in a table, something like this:
I highly recommend you look into using infinity grafana plugin and hit the 9200 endpoint and using UQL query language you have a whole log more flexibility.
Can you share a sample ES document you are working with minus sensitive data, just obfuscate it
Hi, @yosiasz
I tried the Infinity plugin, but I don’t think it solves my problem.
In Elasticsearch, if we write a query via API, we need to use request body for a GET request (see the following code block), which Infinity doesn’t support.
GET /_search
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "(new york city) OR (big apple)",
"default_field": "content"
Therefore, I still suffer from my original problem but thank you for your help!
Yes, I did. That’s why I said it seems like it doesn’t support request body for a GET request.
As you can see from the screenshot, there are only Headers and Query Params options, but no body option. body option will pop up only when we select a POST method.
I know it didn’t follow the spec, but in reality, there are some scenarios in which we need something that is not standard according to the spec.
So, Infinity plugin cannot solve my current problem anyway. It seems like for Elasticsearch in Grafana, there is no way we can get the result that I mentioned at the very beginning of my problem.