Grafana doesn't display data for certain time intervals, even though the data is available in Prometheus

Hi, we have a problem where Grafana doesn’t show data for certain intervals from last night to today. However, we have data available both before and after this period. I can see the missing data in Prometheus, so it’s clear that the data exists.

What could be causing this issue?

does the data have utc timestamp?

No we are using meterRegistry.timer function

does meterRegistry.timer generate UTC date time? Can it be configured to generate UTC date time ?

grafana expects all datetime to be UTC or use another function that changes your date time to UTC

timer is generating seconds. it is not date time.

please share a sample log.

book_sale_created_seconds_count{application=“store”,country=“Germany”,bookType=“BUY”,} 154300.0
book_sale_created_seconds_sum{application=“store”,country=“Germany”,orderType=“BUY”,} 0.017408503

is this a sample log or sample query

the more vague your answers the more question you are going to get

help us help you

What do you mean by “log”?

I have a Prometheus query that I’m using in Grafana:

sum by(country) (rate(book_sale_created_seconds_count[2m]))

Yesterday, I noticed that there were 6 hours of missing data (all values were 0). However, when I check Prometheus directly, I can see that there is data with values greater than 0.