I have a common variable which is env and it has equal to dev, staging or prod and I want to have many other variables which depending of env variable.
Exemple host variabe which can be a key value variable with value 
dev : dev_host, staging : staging_host, prod : prod_host
Another variables which are path with value 
dev : dev_path, staging : staging_path, prod : prod_path
I want to have only env variable which can be selected by user at the top of the dashboard and variables host and path which will be used in all my panel in my dashboard with a automatic reload when I change env variable value.
welcome @fmargelidon
are these static values or are they dynamic coming from a datasource
If you’re using Infinity Plugin, you can do a query variable and pass something like this in query definition:
the values in CSV are the ones you have statically written by hand, while the Filter expression does the limiting, so that infinity plugin returns only the desired env. You can hide this variable and it will change with env
If you’re not using infinity plugin (nor can you install it), I’m not sure you can do something like that, since Custom
variable type doesn’t support any filtering (like regex in Query
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It’s working as expected. Many thanks for the reply