Is there any way for Grafana LDAP authentication to work WITHOUT an LDAP user being a member of any LDAP groups?
I’m using MSAD and the structure looks like this
The output of Grafana ldap logging shows the following
t=2019-04-16T17:11:11+0000 lvl=info msg=“Searching for user’s groups” logger=ldap filter=“(&(cn=user001)(objectcategory=person))” t=2019-04-16T17:11:11+0000 lvl=dbug msg=“Ldap User found” logger=ldap info=“(*login.LdapUserInfo)(0xc4203730a0)({\n DN: (string) (len=67) "CN=Juan Velazquez,OU=Tenant1,OU=Clientes,DC=vmware,DC=chechu,DC=com",\n FirstName: (string) (len=4) "Juan",\n LastName: (string) (len=9) "Velazquez",\n Username: (string) (len=7) "user001",\n Email: (string) (len=25) "user001@vmware.chechu.com",\n MemberOf: (string) \n})\n”
t=2019-04-16T17:11:11+0000 lvl=info msg=“Ldap Auth: user does not belong in any of the specified ldap groups” logger=ldap username=user001 groups=
So clearly it didn’t match any groups, because the user is not a member of any LDAP groups, but is there still a way to log users in to Grafana without this?
Thanks in advance