Hi folks,
I’m deploying the agent in flow mode with the intent of collecting syslog messages and forwarding them to a Loki instance.
I’m new to flow mode, but from my understanding of the config I have (see below), everything appears to be configured correctly:
Agent flow configuration
logging {
level = "debug"
loki.source.syslog "syslog" {
listener {
address = ""
labels = {component = "loki.source.syslog", protocol = "tcp", customer = "CUSTOMER"}
listener {
address = ""
protocol = "udp"
labels = {component = "loki.source.syslog", protocol = "udp", customer = "CUSTOMER"}
forward_to = [loki.write.default.receiver]
loki.write "default" {
endpoint {
url = "http://IPADDR:3100/api/v1/push"
Looking in the Grafana Agent UI, all the components are showing as healthy, and the logs don’t appear to be showing any errors that would lead me to think that the agent can’t reach the Loki endpoint.
I’ve confirmed that I’ve got logs going into the listeners by doing a pcap and can see I’ve got plenty coming in on :1514/UDP. But there’s no outgoing traffic to the loki endpoint on :3100/tcp.
I’m at a bit of a loss as to why the agent doesn’t seem to be forwarding the logs and. I’m assuming that I’m missing something super simple