Get the highest 15 minute average per month of a power graph

This was the solution, thank you @grant2.
It was as simple as you showed. I am not yet that familiar with the Flux, I find it very hard to be able to convert my thinking from “Oracle/MSSQL alike queries” towards the Flux-flow.

Thank you @yosiasz for your insights on the problem.

This is how it looks now in Grafana (which is already very nice):

I have now used a bar graph instead of a time series. How can I change the time 02:00 or 01:00 to show month values?

@grant2 i saw an answer to a thread asking the same thing (How can I change graph X-axis to show days of the week(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc)) but setting it to time:1mo doesn’t change anything.

@yosiasz I saw your input here too: Struggeling with bar chart for monthly consumption

Suppose I would like to create a “drilldown” clickthrough panel, I see if you hover over the bars it “color selects them visually” which triggers you to click through to that relevant month and show all peaks per day and then again clicking through so you can see the exact moment. How would one do that?