I’m trying to vizualize some data from elasticsearch with a time series panel.
Grafana version : v8.3.1
Elasticsearch : 7.15.2
Elasticsearch data source version on grafana : 7.10+
My document is something like this:
"hits":[{"_index":"SomeIndex","_type":"_doc","_id":"VjUhT4UBVgxLgljEQ0fk","_score":1.0,"_source":{"@timestamp": 1671030000000.0, "Heure": "14/12/2022 16:0", "Produit": "PRODUCT1", "param1": 10, "param2": 0}},
"_index":"SomeIndex","_type":"_doc","_id":"VjUhT4UBVgxLgljEQ0fk","_score":1.0,"_source":{"@timestamp": 1671030000000.0, "Heure": "14/12/2022 16:0", "Produit": "PRODUCT2", "param1": 10, "param2": 0}},
"_index":"SomeIndex","_type":"_doc","_id":"VjUhT4UBVgxLgljEQ0fk","_score":1.0,"_source":{"@timestamp": 1671033600000.0, "Heure": "14/12/2022 17:0", "Produit": "PRODUCT1", "param1": 13, "param2": 3}},
"_index":"SomeIndex","_type":"_doc","_id":"VjUhT4UBVgxLgljEQ0fk","_score":1.0,"_source":{"@timestamp": 1671033600000.0, "Heure": "14/12/2022 17:0", "Produit": "PRODUCT2", "param1": 7, "param2": 1}},...]
I need to vizualize the variation of param1 over time for PRODUCT1.
I tried to add a “Filter data by values” transformation but i’m not getting the field “Produit” to apply the condition.
Is there any other option that could help me to do this?
Thank you