Facing issue while calling variable


I am using Infinity datasource. I have a Variable named “Domain”. Which has multiple values,
I am trying to call columns based on values selected in “Domain”.
When 1 value is selected, it works right. But when two values are selected, instead of calling 2 columns, it adds both selected variable into 1 word and trys to call wrong column.

| project "${Domain}

This is the code I am using. When I select value “Value1”, it calls correctly “Value1” column. But when I select “Value1 and Value2” in “Domain” it calls “{Value1,Value2}” instead of calling “Value1” and “Value2” column separately.

Also tried,

| project “${Domain:doublequote}”

What is the correct way to do this?

Best Ragards,

This one should do it:

| project ${Domain:doublequote}

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Thank you.
It’s working.

Hi, Thank you for your time.

When I give “tonumber” to ${Domain:doublequote}, it is only converting one column to number field and not remaining. Hence only 1 line is appearing in the graph.
Why is it not converting all the value to numbers and only one value?
If that’s not the reason, what is the other possible reason that its not giving multi lines?
Should I be using some other command to do this?

Best regards,

tonumber accepts only one column as far as I know.

As a simple workaround you may use Grafana transformation:


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Sure. Thanks.
Thank you for your valuable time. It was really helpful.