I just googled this quickly and there are loads of people with similar problems with node, node-gyp and Windows.
There are a couple of different ways to install node-gyp. Are you using Python or the Visual Studio build tools? Looks like you have a problem with one of those.
Did you find a fix on Google (this is a common problem I think)? Not sure what your environment looks like (do you have multiple versions of Visual Studio installed etc.)
Probably something to do with node-gyp using the wrong version of the tools for your version of node.
Try installing node-gyp again using the node-gyp configure --msvs_version=xxx where xxx is the correct version of the vs tools.
Delete your node_modules directory.
yarn install --pure-lockfile
If that doesn’t work then you need to provide more information. Try running:
yarn install --verbose --pure-lockfile
And also, how did you install the build tools? Which version? Do you have Visual Studio installed as well? Did you install python?
Nothing seems to work… I have VS2017 installed and working… Python 3.7, Yarn version 1.15.2. NodeJS version v12.0.0. npm version 6.9.0.
Build verbose log file: https://1drv.ms/t/s!Agf00pIM7oRIkUghtmH6TSKhhzp3?e=VdEK0k
Thanks for the help!
Seems it is this problem: https://github.com/sass/node-sass/issues/2632 that node-sass 4.11.0 does not have support for node v12. Node 12 came out a few weeks ago and is the most recent version and not the LTS so you are living on the bleeding edge.
Grafana has not been updated to node-sass 4.12.0 yet (it only came out a week ago) but saw that someone in that thread had the same problem as you so not sure that 4.12.0 will fix it.
If you are using a node version manager like nvm then you can just switch to an earlier version of node.
If that is a pain, then try updating node-sass to 4.12.0 in Grafana (this will be upgraded in master soon, we upgrade npm packages regularly): yarn upgrade --latest node-sass
We ran into this issue earlier last week (Nov 2019) and discovered that the NPM pull for 14.11 doesn’t exist anymore. It gave us a 404. When we switched to 14.12, it pulled down the files and the build went on its merry way.