Displaying hourly consumption from a smart water meter

For personal IOT project, I try to display hourly power consumption.
I try to figure out my water consumption profile during the day
I 'musing Diehl LoRaWAN G3 watemeter.
Diehl water meter send twice a day a message with index + last 24H water consumption

Is it possible to display on timeserie dashboard
H at timestamp,
H-1 at timestamp minus 1 hour
H-2 at timestamp minus 2 hours

Welcome to the Grafana forum.

What you want should be possible using Grafana. Have you already set up Grafana? In the Diehl watermeter data that you showed in your screenshot, is that from a website / portal that you access, or is it available in a time series database? It looks like someone already developed a plugin for LoRaWAN signals.

Also, if you have not set up everything, this looks like an excellent tutorial to set up everything so that your data is visible in Grafana.

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@ulrichrousseau another possible approach here would be push this data over grafana live (Grafana Live | Grafana Labs) using the http endpoint if you already have the data that you need coming in through somewhere in a script/program- otherwise if you are looking for a quick solution a plugin would be the right approach here to connect directly to the sensor as mentioned by @grant2 - another possible solution if you have a csv file somewhere being updated with the data that you need continuously then using the grafana built-in csv data source options would be another option too

My thanks for answering my question. I’m quite familiar with LoRaWAN nodered influxdB and Grafana.
I know basics about dashboarding data from sensors.
At the moment, I get data from a LoRaWAN private networks, decode the Diehl payload and store the decoded data into influxdB. I’m using Home - IOTstack on RPI4.
My question is specifically related to grafana and how to diplays “data from the past” on a dashboard.

I’m processing collected JSON in NodeRed :slight_smile:

msg.payload = [{

"Date_Mesure" : data.timestamp,
"Frame" : data.frame,
"Frame_Counter" : data.data.Frame_counter,
"Frame_Type" : data.data.Frame_type,
"Index_pulse" : data.data.Index_pulse,
"Index_liters" : data.data.Index_liters,
"Cumul_positiv" : data.data.Cumul_positiv,
"H" : data.data.H,
"H-1" : data.data["H-1"],
"H-2" : data.data["H-2"],
"H-3" : data.data["H-3"],
"H-4" : data.data["H-4"],
"H-5" : data.data["H-5"],
"H-6" : data.data["H-6"],
"H-7" : data.data["H-7"],
"H-8" : data.data["H-8"],
"H-9" : data.data["H-9"],
"H-10" : data.data["H-10"],
"H-11" : data.data["H-11"],
"H-12" : data.data["H-12"],
"H-13" : data.data["H-13"],
"H-14" : data.data["H-14"],
"H-15" : data.data["H-15"],
"H-16" : data.data["H-16"],
"H-17" : data.data["H-17"],
"H-18" : data.data["H-18"],
"H-19" : data.data["H-19"],
"H-20" : data.data["H-20"],
"H-21" : data.data["H-21"],
"H-22" : data.data["H-22"],
"H-23" : data.data["H-23"]

“DevEUI” : data.DevEUI,
“GWID” : data.gatewayID

then this msg is stored in influxDB.
In grafana, I can easily manage “index_liters”

SELECT mean(“Index_liters”) FROM “90dffb818724b4f2” WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval)

But I’d like to display hourly consumtion :slight_smile:
I recieve last 24H water consumption @ time = TS
I want to display :
H @TS-1H
H-1 @ TS-2H
H-2@ TS-3H

and in a ideal world I’d like to go further : I cannot excactly predict the TS for the recieved message from Diehl Meter. I would be interested in synchronizing data on a standard 24H day :

If I get message from sensors today @ 6pm I’d like to display H to H-17 today and H-18 to H-23 yesterday…It will be the nextstep.

Any idea how to query influxdB in grafana to display data in the past?