Definition of active User

I am very confused when it comes to configuring the Grafana session.

The configuration parameters are:

# The maximum lifetime (duration) an authenticated user can be inactive before being required to login at next visit. Default is 7 days (7d). This setting should be expressed as a duration, e.g. 5m (minutes), 6h (hours), 10d (days), 2w (weeks), 1M (month). The lifetime resets at each successful token rotation (token_rotation_interval_minutes).
login_maximum_inactive_lifetime_duration = 3m

# The maximum lifetime (duration) an authenticated user can be logged in since login time before being required to login. Default is 30 days (30d). This setting should be expressed as a duration, e.g. 5m (minutes), 6h (hours), 10d (days), 2w (weeks), 1M (month).
login_maximum_lifetime_duration = 30m

# How often should auth tokens be rotated for authenticated users when being active. The default is each 10 minutes.
token_rotation_interval_minutes = 1

I think I mostly know what they are doing but how how can i configure these parameters if i don’t know how a active or inactive user is defined?
And when is a user becoming inactive/active?
Also: can i change how or when a user becomes active/inactive?

I would be very happy to hear from you guys! Thx!

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