Datasource issue 401 unauthorized

Hello Folks,

I setup a Lokistack with openshift operator, I followed this yaml from Loki documentation:

And this create 3 datasources. I can see the logs from Infra Datasource and Audit. but from application datasource I have 401 Unauthorized. from grafana logs I have this message:

logger=data-proxy-log userId=2 orgId=1 uname=tiago.d.ferreira path=/api/datasources/proxy/1/loki/api/v1/query_range remote_addr= referer=“{“datasource”:“Loki%20(Application)”,“queries”:[{“refId”:“A”,“expr”:“{job%3D\“infrastructure\”}\n|%20logfmt\n|%20level%3D\“error\””}],“range”:{“from”:“now-1h”,“to”:“now”}}” t=2025-01-16T17:04:21.71+0000 lvl=info msg=“Authentication to data source failed” body=“{"error":"401 Unauthorized","errorType":"observatorium-api","status":"error"}\n” statusCode=401

Do you have any ideia why this is the only datasource with this error? :confused:
