Data links result in empty values for certain URL variables

I am baffled by this behavior. I have a data link A in dashboard A where there are some template variables X, X, Y. When I hover over the data link url, is see it looks perfect. For example:

But, when I click the link and dashboard-b opens, the url bar in the browser randomly presents some of the url variables with empty values. Like this:

Here, the values for A and B are now empty but C and the timestuff is ok.

Any ideas on why this happens? It is not always the same A, B, or C values that show up empty. Sometimes they are all ok and dashboard-b works.


What version of grafana

Sorry, rushed that post and failed to provide that.

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the latest is

where did you find this version of yours :slight_smile:

We are using Grafana cloud. It does not present any “About…” options that I can find like the local hosted server version does.

curl -s “$GRAFANA_URL/api/health” | jq -r ‘.version’

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just tested this in and I am not seeing this issue?

on hover notice link with template variable

on click it takes me to