Dashboard table data

i am using the webhosted version of grafana not the local install. i am on windows 10
question about tables in dashboard. i have a graph and a table in a dashboard. when i set a time range it seems to affect the graphs but not the data in the table. i am basically trying to filter the table data to a specific time range so i can do a csv export. so far i can only export a file with all data that is collected by the query but not for the time range selected in the dashboard.

it depends on datasource / query of your table

Thanks for the help. so i am using influxdb cloud as my data source with the 30 day retention policy. I understand that i can make set the time range in my table query to -30d and i would see all data stored in my database but would most likely run into problems depending on the amount of data points collected. i figure that if i wanted a specific time range i would have to set it in my query save and refresh the dashboard.
lets say i have created a dashboard for someone to monitor that has no knowledge of the backend just looking at the data being displayed. i have shown them how to create a csv export by selecting the options of the table, inspect, then data option. how would they be able to select a specific range within that 30 day dataset without modifying the query?
thanks again for any help or guidance

You can use

|> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)

in your Flux query, therefore timerange chosen by user would be used in it. You can make 30 days a default range, for example, providing user a possibility to choose any other.

See an example: