Hi All !
I am developing a new custom datasource, and I need help to at least understand the datasource implementation.
Note : I have already developed a panel plugin.
I need to query a MySQL database (SELECT, UPDATE), but i don’t need user input (it’s like “static”/“fixed” queries).
So, i have started with copying the MySQL datasource embedded in Grafana to a new datasource plugin, but there is an error throwed by the backend TSDB saying that there is no executor available for my plugin id.
(to test later : to override datasourceId, but It is very amateur)
Now, I plan to create a new plugin, inheriting from the SQL datasource (as I inherited from MetricPanel for my custom panel plugin). Is it possible ?
I have also read to use backendSrv : using it, will I achieve what I need ?
I would avoid at possible to create a panel, as what i want to achieve is more relevant as a datasource.
Thank you for your help,