Not sure, whether I’m in the right forum here. So please advise, if this is not the case. I’m using Home Assistant data from influxdb to display grafana charts. Basically, I would like to transform the first graph into the second graph.
The source sensor gets reset to zero occasionally (reboot of the counter device or …) while I would like to continue to graph from its previous level.
I hope that the problem description is not too confusing.
Forgot to add that the original graph was created with SELECT "value" FROM "m³" WHERE ("entity_id" = 'gasverbrauch') AND $timeFilter
Ok, after some more googling, I’ve solved it myself. For the record Aggregate function required inside the call to cumulative_sum - Dashboards - InfluxData Community Forums helped me come up with
SELECT CUMULATIVE_SUM(SUM(nnd)) FROM ( SELECT NON_NEGATIVE_DIFFERENCE("value") AS nnd FROM "m³" WHERE ("entity_id" = 'gasverbrauch') AND $timeFilter ) GROUP BY time(1d)