Creating a Table with already Queried Data

I am trying to create a dashboard for some data that I have sourced from Google Cloud Monitoring. I have all the required data but I am unable to transform it into my required view. I am attaching sample of what I have and what I am intending to do.


Metric	    Value (last)
A Allocation	100
A utilization	2
A utilization %	2
B Allocation	300
B Utilization	30
B Utilization %	10
C Allocation	512
C Utilization	10
C Utilization %	1.95


	           A	 B	 C
Allocation	  100	300	512
Utilization	    2	30	10
Utilization %	2	10	1.95

I have 6 queries to fetch the data and a math expression used for calculating percentages. Every query is grouped and and Alias by is applied on them.

List of already applied transformations-

  1. Series to rows
  2. Group by ( Ignored time, Group by Metric, Value Calculate Last )

I don’t want to use canvas as it is not responsive. Intending to achieve this using table.
Would highly appreciate any suggestions and help. Thank you!

please provide the whole work you done yet. i am facing issue in it.

Look at group by matrix Transformation which is basically a pivot

Follow the steps.

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