Create a graph, which tells the average response time for each request

I already get a filtered log in Loki like this (0.1043 ms):


So what I need visualization it.

I would like to visualization in Time series

{filename=“/var/log/test/benchmarking.monitoring.log”} | json | line_format “{{.response_time}}”

I would like to visualization like this :

but I’m doing something wrong, I’m writing the Logql command incorrectly

You’ll need to use unwrap to set a metric query’s value to a label. See example here: Query examples | Grafana Loki documentation

I try this request :

quantile_over_time(0.95, ({job="test"} | json | unwrap response_time)[1m])

it works, but it’s not one line, it’s multiple lines.
It’s not quite the same …

I want one single line, not a lot of line for every response time

If you want to aggregate by a label, add sum by (LABEL) around your quantile_over_time query. See How to use LogQL range aggregations in Loki | Grafana Labs.