CPU Top Processes Not Displaying Correctly

ISSUE: only showing a single PID all with name telegraf

Host: Ubuntu 18.04 - grafana, telegraf, influxdb are docker containers on host

Datasource: Telegraf into InfluxDB

Telegraf Config:
*** [[inputs.procstat]] ***
*** ## pattern as argument for pgrep (ie, pgrep -f ) ***
*** pattern = “httpd|java|python|telegraf” ***
*** ## user as argument for pgrep (ie, pgrep -u ) ***
*** user = “daemon|root|telegraf” ***

SELECT host, pid, memory_vms, memory_rss, memory_swap, cpu_usage, cpu_time_user, process_name FROM “procstat” WHERE “host” =~ /$server$/ AND $timeFilter


is anybodyyyyy outtttt thereeeee