Condition to change variable display


- Oracle Linux 8.9
- Grafana 10.2.0
- Zabbix data-source


I have a variable list $month that is used to time shift a query. It is used on the timeShift function.



This variable has up to 12 values and each one represents a previous month.

1º Prev Month : 1M,2º Prev Month : 2M,3º Prev Month : 3M,4º Prev Month : 4M,5º Prev Month : 5M,6º Prev Month : 6M,7º Prev Month : 7M,8º Prev Month : 8M,9º Prev Month : 9M,10º Prev Month : 10M,11º Prev Month : 11M,12º Prev Month : 12M

In the dashboard header, the user can select the month to view.

If he selects 1M, the events of the previous month will be displayed. If he selects 2M, the second to last month events will be displayed, and so on.

Whenever the user selects a month from the list, the raw value is displayed in the dashboard title (example above: PREVIOUS MONTH EVENTS: 3M).

I wanted to change the display to show the actual month being represented.
In my mind that would be something like this:

Var $month Value If January, Display If February, Display If March, Display
1º Prev Month 1M >> dez/23 jan/24 fev/24
2º Prev Month 2M >> nov/23 dez/23 jan/24
3º Prev Month 3M >> out/23 nov/23 dez/23
4º Prev Month 4M >> set/23 out/23 nov/23
5º Prev Month 5M >> ago/23 set/23 out/23
6º Prev Month 6M >> jul/23 ago/23 set/23
7º Prev Month 7M >> jun/23 jul/23 ago/23
8º Prev Month 8M >> mai/23 jun/23 jul/23
9º Prev Month 9M >> abr/23 mai/23 jun/23
10º Prev Month 10M >> mar/23 abr/23 mai/23
11º Prev Month 11M >> fev/23 mar/23 abr/23
12º Prev Month 12M >> jan/23 fev/23 mar/23

Is there a way to do this?

I don’t think so, zabbix datasource functions and the grafana variable are not yet ready to have intelligence in this way.

What you can try is to work with the interval variables, this way your dashboard team selection will reflect in the information in the panels.

Add and manage variables | Grafana documentation

What you can try is to work with the interval variables, this way your dashboard team selection will reflect in the information in the panels.

I’m not sure this is the case.
I’ve already set up the variable with multiple values and labeled each of them.
That value is then used in the timeShift function.

I was hoping for some kind of variable alias.

Or, maybe something like Current month - $month.

Alias month = (${__to:date:MM-YYYY} - ${__from:date:$month})

This would be mainly for use in the text panel, but I guess this is not possible in Grafana.