Change the color of line based on condition in Grafana

I have a dataset like this:
±----------------------------±-----------------±-----------------±-------------------------------- +
| metric | date| |upper_limit | lower_limit |
| 0.701702766685897|2023-04-01|0.9267865892517674| 0.838521199799218 |
|0.6764983358418296|2023-05-01| 0.922840322393428|0.8349507678797682 |
|0.6698944854298756|2023-06-01|0.9217385543537551| 0.833953930129588 |

I am storing this data in graphite and then populating a dashboard in graphana. I want to have a rule when metric > upper_limit or metric < lower_limit change the color of the metric line . How do I do that ?

welcome @ayanbisws

What is your datasource?

The data is stored in graphite