we are just starting a Grafana Loki test. I’m actually from the Windows world, but now I’m supposed to check if we can also use Loki as a central collection point for Windows event logs.
I downloaded the current “promtail-windows-amd64.exe” and copied it to a test Windows server to “C:\promtail”. There I also created a tmp directory and a “promtail-config.yaml”.
When I try to start promtail via “promtail-windows-amd64.exe --config.file=promtail_config.yaml”, I get the following error message:
"Unable to parse config: promtail_config.yaml: yaml: unmarshal errors:
line 13: field windows_events not found in type scrapeconfig.plain
What am I doing wrong?
My promtail-config.yaml:
http_listen_port: 9080
grpc_listen_port: 0