Hi @ppxtb,
In Transform tab (near Query) you can choose Rename by regex and for Match enter:
and leave Replace as $1.
Regex breakdown:
.* - means any symbol 0 or more times (basically means match anything)
\( - specifies that after anything there must be a literal symbol (
( - starts matching group
[^)]+ - means match anything until you find ) symbol
) - closes matching group
.* - matches anything till the end
Replace breakdown
$1 - means return what you matched in first group (in this example only 1 group exists)
For checking regex I suggest regex101 site because there you can see what you matched with regex (marked in colors) and explanations. Few days ago I read that Grafana uses Golang flavor of regex so be sure to click on that on left menu:
Data from your example:
/RHTsensors\.first {friendly_name: RHT Sensor (Kitchen)}
/RHTsensors\.first {friendly_name: RHT Sensor (Lounge)}
/RHTsensors\.first {friendly_name: RHT Sensor (Main Bedroom)}
Those links helped me to understand how it’s done:
Best regards,