Can we remove the 'A', 'B', C' from query titles in Stats Panel?


I’m new to Grafana and love it ! I’ve looked through the documentation and tried all the configuration options but can not work out how to remove the letters (‘A’, ‘B’, etc referring to the query) from the individual field titles.

Is it possible ? I tried the Field → Display Name attribute in the right hand options, but that applied the same title to all 3 stats which is not my intent.

Thank you and once again, what a delightful product. Well done !


Did you ever figure this out?


Have you tried using the Organize Fields transformation?

How exactly? Could you perhaps show an example?

I am trying to edit this example here:

Simply adding two series:

How do I remove A and B entirely? (Not rename them.)

what version of grafana are you on? and what is that top data source you are using?

Here’s a quick example using



That does not work in my (slightly more complex) example. Assuming the following queries:

I would have no way to apply the join:

What does however work is renaming by regex, and simply replacing the entire prefix:


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