Can I create a custom Panel plug-in similar to AlertList?

The AlertList plug-in is nice, but we are getting user feedback that salient details like alarm threshold, most recent value, and offending instance name(s) are too hidden under a lot of disclosure triangles (or not available at all).
For example, having the option to show threshold and instance name(s) like this:

Is this possible in the existing AlertList?
If not, does the public Panel plug-in have an API for rendering alerts? Otherwise, would it be reasonable to propose/contribute a new feature? I would like to avoid forking Grafana and I imagine this flexibility would benefit many other teams.

Thanks, Grafana team!

Hey @kevinb8fe, the source code of the Alert list panel is available in the Grafana repo grafana/public/app/plugins/panel/alertlist at main · grafana/grafana · GitHub

I’m not certain if this addition/contribution would be accepted, but I’d suggest opening a GitHub issue to submit the feature request.

Sounds good, thanks @pepecano ! I have already taken a look at the source to get an idea of how much work it will be :slightly_smiling_face: I will submit a GH issue and link here.