Browser tests aborting due to too-many-time-series

Hello everyone, we are facing an issue with streaming local browser test data to Grafana k6 cloud. Longer tests (aprox. > 5 min) are failing with code too-many-time-series.

In the Cloud Insights > Metrics there is this info about the metrics:

  • Reduce the cardinality of the url label (at least 8143 unique values) in the browser_data_sent metric.

  • Reduce the cardinality of the url label (at least 5354 unique values) in the browser_http_req_duration metric.

  • Reduce the cardinality of the url label (at least 5354 unique values) in the browser_http_req_failed metric.

Currently we are able to run test with 10VUs and max 5 mins which is not great.
The browser test is a randomized user journey on the web so its expected to visit lots of different unique URLs, but also with blocking 3rd party hostnames the 3rd party urls are visible in the metrics and it seems they are included in the total unique url count. As i understand the 10k is the limit for the unique URLs, so my question is:

  • Is it possible to completely exclude at least the 3rd party requests from the metrics.
  • Or even better is there a way to group URLs that are executed by the browser so that the metrics are better handled?

Thank you in advance for any information or ideas.


This is a known issue, and we’re currently working on it.

Thanks for letting us know!

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We are getting a similar error when trying to run 500 browsers against our production site. We have tried setting metrics to enabled: false and we have tried drop_metrics and an empty metrics hash, all under the cloud key.
Keeps failing after 5 minutes.
Please advise.