Browser is getting crashed

Hi @idosegal,

Thanks for all the details!

The primary issue seems to be with clicking on a selector "//i[@id='analysis-queries-grid-showAnalysisResults-btn']":

Uncaught (in promise) clicking on \"//i[@id='analysis-queries-grid-showAnalysisResults-btn']\": checking hit target: another element is intercepting with pointer action

I’ve seen this occur when trying to click on an element in an iframe. If that is the case then unfortunately the browser module doesn’t support iframes at the moment. You could try a workaround using page.evaluate, here’s a post that might help you: Locating elements within an iframe.

If the website under test is not working with an iframe then I will need to be able to test against the same website you are testing against or a publicly facing website which exhibits the same issue.
