Boltdb-shipper - Can we push indexes/chunks from local instance of loki to GCS Bucket

I can see from Grafana’s Loki documentation that we can use boltdb-shipper to create a single store. But from the configuration example we only provide the GCS bucket name. This seems to imply that the loki instance must be running on Google cloud as well - no auth, no secretKey passed, just a GCS Bucket name given to loki.

My question:
Is there a way to store and read chucks/indexes to GCS Bucket from a locally ran Loki instance using boltdb-shipper

Configuration Sample provided by Grafana:

This seems to imply that the loki instance must be running on Google cloud as well - no auth, no secretKey passed, just a GCS Bucket name given to loki.

Any of the Loki stores can be used it doesn’t have to be GCS (S3, filessystem, Azure etc are also all valid options)

Credentials aren’t provided for the GCS store because the google client we use doesn’t accept them via config, only via environment variables.

The google client docs give some more info