Can't get chunks to get stored on S3

Still working on setting up Loki. Logs are coming in, and are browseable through Grafana. Now working on the backend.

I’m trying to make Loki store its data on S3. So far, it stores its indexes on S3, but the chunks are only on the local filesystem.

On S3, I’m expecting my data to be stored like


Only /index exists, but /fake not. /fake is the tenant when in single-tenant mode. /fake will contain all the chunks.

Relevant config

  # How long chunks should sit in-memory with no updates before
  # being flushed if they don't hit the max block size. This means
  # that half-empty chunks will still be flushed after a certain
  # period as long as they receive no further activity.
  chunk_idle_period: 15m

    - from: 2022-01-25
      store: boltdb-shipper
      object_store: s3
      schema: v11
        prefix: index_
        period: 24h

    active_index_directory: /loki/boltdb-shipper-active
    cache_location: /loki/boltdb-shipper-cache
    cache_ttl: 24h         # Can be increased for faster performance over longer query periods, uses more disk space
    shared_store: s3
    s3: s3://<api-key>:<api-secret-key>@aws-region/bucket-name
    s3forcepathstyle: true

I’m running Loki in a docker container. Log file doesn’t show any errors.

Which setting am I missing here?

I finally found the issue, so I’m going to answer my own question here.
First: the above configuration is completely fine. It will store your records on S3… if they have a timestamp of 2021-01-25 or later

The issue was that I was importing historical records, from before the from: date in schema_config. Actually, the full schema_config looked like this:

    - from: 2020-10-24
      store: boltdb-shipper
      object_store: filesystem
      schema: v11
        prefix: index_
        period: 24h
    - from: 2022-01-14
      store: boltdb-shipper
      object_store: aws
      schema: v11
        prefix: index_
        period: 24h
    - from: 2022-01-25
      store: boltdb-shipper
      object_store: s3
      schema: v11
        prefix: index_
        period: 24h

The records I imported were from 2021-12-09. This was also the timestamp that I used when importing. Loki obediently followed my schema_config and stored the resulting chunks onto the filesystem instead of on S3.

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