Automatic summarization of influx dB based data and Grafana dashboards to visualize data on a hourly, daily, weekly basis

JaaduSummary tool automates the summarization of current or real time values in Influx DB bucket(s) to new summary bucket(s) with pre-defined bucket name(s), and clones the dashboard(s) that refer to the current bucket name in influx dB with corresponding summary bucket name(s). If the current dashboard refers to the library panel(s) that refer to the current bucket name(s), it will create summary library panel(s) referring to the summary bucket name(s). By running this tool on a daily basis via crontab, one can automate the summarization of data on a Hourly, Daily or Weekly basis with Min, Mean, and Max values for each summarization type. The bucket creation and summarization can be done for a desired bucket names with Include or Exclude regex specs. Cloning of Grafana dashboards can be also be controlled via IncludeDashboards and ExcludeDashboard specs. JaaduSummary (JaaduSummary - Google Slides) depicts the association of current buckets to the summary buckets, summary panels within the summary dashboards referring to summary buckets pictorially. Use of this tool reduces the labor involved in creating/managing summary buckets, and summary dashboards showing long term trends, while also reducing the storage capacity.