Adding labels to snmp exporter

Hello All,

We are in the process of testing out Grafana alloy as a replacement for promethes and snmp_exporter across our environment. Currently we are using snmp_exporter with custom lables that are loaded into a json file & processed by prometheus.yml. Example below

    "targets": ["x.x.x.x"],
    "labels": {
      "brand": "string",
      "category": "string",
      "location": "string"

I am trying to take the same labels and put them into the grafana alloy config, i’ve added the exporter, discovery.file, config (from the snmp_generator) scraper, and remote write.

discovery.file "juniper" {
  files = ["/etc/alloy/juniper.yml"]

prometheus.exporter.snmp "network" {
  config_file = "/etc/alloy/snmp.yml"
  targets =

prometheus.scrape "snmpExporter" {
  targets =
  forward_to = []
  scrape_interval = "60s"

prometheus.remote_write "dev" {
  endpoint {
  	url = "http://my_endpoint_here"

And here is the juniper.yml file

- targets:
  - x.x.x.x:161
    name: test
    module: juniper_module
    auth: public
    brand: juniper
    category: switch
    location: lab

I am scraping information based on the OIDs i have setup in my snmp.yml config and I can see everything I need there however I am not getting the custom labels brand, category, or location.

I did see a recent commit that should allow this: Allow the setting of labels for snmp exporter for both target and targets by mattdurham · Pull Request #1876 · grafana/alloy · GitHub

I don’t really want to define all 100+ network devices in my config.alloy script which is the reason I am putting them into a separate file .

Stuck at the moment, any ideas?!