However it appears that grafana/toolkit is going to be deprecated and the correct way to build plugins is to use grafana/create-plugin. Any ideas on how to solve my initiall problem with this tool?
I’m not sure what set of instructions ends up being the correct. I’m trying them all but still struggling with the same issue. Any help would be much appreciated.
The new recommended way for building Grafana plugins is via the create-plugin tool, which has replaced grafana-toolkit (now deprecated). This is also what you will find on the instructions in the Grafana documentation.
No errors found after running yarn dev is not an error: yarn dev starts a process watching for file changes in your frontend plugin source code, and it will re-build the plugin when it detects a change.
No errors found simply means that there were no type-checking errors and in your case the plugin was built successfully.
If you make a change to the source code while yarn dev is running, it will re-build your plugin automatically. To stop it, press CTRL + C.
If you go into the dist folder, you should see the built plugin files, which will be re-built every time you make a change to your source code.
Those files can be used by Grafana to load your plugin. If you have Docker installed, you can run docker-compose up in your main plugin folder to start up a development Grafana instance with the plugin already installed. This development instance is then reachable on
Thank you, Giuseppe!
For some reason, in my case, the plugin wasn’t visible in Grafana until I signed it (after running yarn install and before yarn dev).