$__user.login in Grafana variable query remains empty in v9.0.1

I am using $__user.login in a dashboard to control visibility.
Now I have updated a second server with identical
Postgres 12
Identical database (copied from other server)
I can login and see my username when clicking the user icon.

Data source: postgres
But the following query remains empty on the 2nd server:
SELECT '${__user.login}' AS user
Nothing logged at that point in time.
Upate: on dashboard load

Any hints?

Check here, user could remove this then ${__user.login} might be empty

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Thank you for the hint.
I am using my users (2 admins and 1 standard) All 3 user fields (name, email, username) are filled in.

Identical on both servers.

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Can you spin up a separate latest grafana version and see if issue might have been fixed

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With latest Grafana=v10.3.1 (OSS) I cannot reproduce this an more.
Clearly, this is the standard solution after reboot or things like that.

But it helped in my case.
Thank you!

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Turns out it works with 9.0.1 when I switch off PGSERVICEFILE,
see Topic: https://community.grafana.com/t/grafana-crashes-when-trying-to-connect-to-postgres-panic-setting-pgservicefile-not-supported/46527/6?u=danielt290947

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