Use Synthetics to test proxy performance from user perspective

Hello Grafana folks.

I am hoping to use synthetics to test connections through a proxy server that needs authentication. I will check several websites both with my proxy and without my proxy to monitor performance of the proxy.

I use a http check and want to fill in the proxy url and the headers.
I am only a basic user and do not have the knowledge of the http protocol regarding proxy connect to fill in the settings properly.

Would someone be able to help?
I have and more than that I need a hand thanks!

Hi @andrewbauman ! By no means am I an expert on this topic but I hope to share some resources that might be helpful.

Synthetic Monitoring HTTP checks support two types of authentication in the header request:

If you are not sure which you should use for your endpoints, see the links below.

For details about bearer authorization, see: Bearer Authentication

For details about basic authorization, see: Basic Authentication

And for details about proxy-authentication, see: Proxy-Authorization - HTTP header explained