Use separator "," between my value and not "."

I’m french and i use Grafana for see a table of value.
On my table, all the value are “.” for example : 10.0 - 15.5 - 28.4

When i want extract the table on csv file its not compatible with french and it’s not Recognizer as number on excel.

Please it’s possible to change the separator of my value and use “,” and not “.”

bien venue @soussajohn220

what is your data source

My data source is influxdb,

from(bucket: “LIGNE4”)
|> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r[“_measurement”] == “Batch”)
//|> filter(fn: (r) => r[“endpoint”] == “${MACHINE1_P1}”)

|> drop(fn: (column) => column =~ /^(start|stop)/)
|> drop(fn: (column) => column =~ /^
|> drop(fn: (column) => column =~ /^(endpoint)/)
|> sort(columns: [“_time”], desc: true)
|> pivot(
columnKey: [“_field”],
valueColumn: “_value”
//|> filter(fn: (r) => r["field"] == “${RECETTE}”)
|> drop(fn: (column) => column =~ /^
|> yield(name: “last”)

When i download my csv file in formatted data i have this line :

40,74,7.60,75,2024-01-08 07:42:01.974340000, wrap75kg ,7,89,14,40.5,73.6,7.60,70.7,28.5,20.5

But i french we need to separate the value with “;” and i want a “,” instead of “.”

40;74;7,60;75;2024-01-08 07:42:01.974340000; wrap75kg ;7;89;14;40,5;73,6;7,60;70,7;28;5;20,5

it is possible ?

update, one people have an idea ?

C’est pas possible.
Csv = comma separated values. Grafana is a visualization tool, export csv is just a simple mechanism to vet your data.

Maybe use another tool to extract the data from source the way you want it formatted?