Usage of reReplaceAll function in Grafana alerting template

So I tried the reReplaceAll function to replace the localhost for my own ip address, but it did not appear to work as expect.

here is what my template looks like
{{ define “moji” -}}

[{{.Status}}] {{ .Labels.alertname }}

{{ range .Alerts}}


{{ range .Labels.SortedPairs -}}

  • {{ .Name }}: {{ .Value }}

{{ end -}}

{{ if .Annotations -}}


{{ range .Annotations.SortedPairs -}}

  • {{ .Name }}: {{ .Value }}

{{ end -}}

{{ end -}}

{{if .SilenceURL -}}

Slience: {{reReplaceAll .SilenceURL “(.)localhost:(.)” “(.)”}}

{{ end -}}

{{- end }}

{{- end }}