Update Prometheus data source to Prometheus type Cortex using API

Using Grafana v9.5.5 on Amazon Linux 2, attempted to update a Prometheus data source by specifying the Prometheus type as Cortex and the Cortex version to > 1.13.x (or 1.14.0) using the Data Source API.

The following command was used:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @"<working_dir>/data_source.json https://<user>:"<password>"@<url>/api/datasources

where data_source.json has these contents:

  "name":"<data source name>",
  "jsonData": {

The error that resulted is below, and the data source was not updated. Got the same result when attempting other version like > 1.13.x, or even with type Prometheus and a version such as 2.40.x.

{"message":"bad request data","traceID":""} 

I compared this to an existing data source that was configured manually as Cortex to determine what entries to include in the json. Below is what was received from a GET api command indicating that prometheusType and prometheusVersion are correct entries:

{"id":<id value>,
"uid":"<uid value>",
"orgId":<org id>,
"name": "data source name",
"url":"<url of data source>",

Does the API support this kind of update to a Prometheus data source? If not, can this be requested as a feature update to allow API automation for configuring Prometheus data sources as Cortex type?

Confirmed that it works on Grafana v10.1.1 using API, but first need to delete existing data source and then create new one with type Cortex and a version.