Unable to configured to mimic load testing scenario

I want to mimic the scenario where on every 6th second I want to execute 4 parallel calls, likewise I want keep executing this for 10 min.
How to achieve this in K6 and which executor ?

Hi @rajtarafake :wave:

Apologies for the late reply, this went under my radar.

k6 does not offer the ability to execute an iteration at precise intervals yet. However, if you’re okay with “roughly 6 seconds”, I would advise defining a scenario using the constant-vus executor, and using the sleep function to pause the execution of the iteration for 6 seconds at its end.

Something along the lines of (not tested myself):

import { sleep } from 'k6';

export const options = {
  scenarios: {
    periodical: {
      executor: 'constant-vus',
      // 4 virtual users will be constantly executing iterations in parallel
      vus: 4,

      // For 10 minutes
      duration: '10m'

export default function() {
    // do a call

    // wait six seconds before executing the next iteration

Let me know if that was helpful :bowing_man: