Hi Team,
I need to create a test with k6 to assess the performance of an API endpoint using ten different types of payloads. Additionally, I want to establish a threshold for each payload type. How can I accomplish this?
I tried few solution where we can dynamically define the scenario but its not working and giving error as json: cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field Options.scenarios of type string
below is the sample code -
import http from 'k6/http';
import { check, sleep } from 'k6';
// Define an array of 17 payloads
const payloads = [
{ title: "Payload 1", body: "This is payload 1", userId: 1 },
{ title: "Payload 2", body: "This is payload 2", userId: 2 },
{ title: "Payload 3", body: "This is payload 3", userId: 3 },
{ title: "Payload 4", body: "This is payload 4", userId: 4 },
{ title: "Payload 5", body: "This is payload 5", userId: 5 },
{ title: "Payload 6", body: "This is payload 6", userId: 6 },
{ title: "Payload 7", body: "This is payload 7", userId: 7 },
{ title: "Payload 8", body: "This is payload 8", userId: 8 },
{ title: "Payload 9", body: "This is payload 9", userId: 9 },
{ title: "Payload 10", body: "This is payload 10", userId: 10 },
{ title: "Payload 11", body: "This is payload 11", userId: 11 },
{ title: "Payload 12", body: "This is payload 12", userId: 12 },
{ title: "Payload 13", body: "This is payload 13", userId: 13 },
{ title: "Payload 14", body: "This is payload 14", userId: 14 },
{ title: "Payload 15", body: "This is payload 15", userId: 15 },
{ title: "Payload 16", body: "This is payload 16", userId: 16 },
{ title: "Payload 17", body: "This is payload 17", userId: 17 },
// Define the options for k6
export let options = {
scenarios: {},
// Create scenarios for each payload with thresholds
payloads.forEach((payload, index) => {
options.scenarios[`scenario_${index + 1}`] = {
executor: 'constant-vus', // Executor type
vus: 3, // Number of virtual users
duration: '1m', // Duration for this scenario
exec: 'testPayload', // Function to execute
startTime: `${index}m`, // Ensure startTime is a string
env: { PAYLOAD_INDEX: index }, // Pass the payload index as an environment variable
thresholds: {
'http_req_duration': [`p(95)<200`], // 95th percentile response time < 200ms
'http_req_failed': ['rate<0.01'], // Error rate < 1%
// Function to be executed for each scenario
export function testPayload() {
const payloadIndex = __ENV.PAYLOAD_INDEX; // Get payload index from the environment variable
const payload = payloads[payloadIndex]; // Retrieve the appropriate payload
// Make the HTTP POST request
const res = http.post('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts', JSON.stringify(payload), {
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
// Check if the response status is 201
check(res, {
'status is 201': (r) => r.status === 201,
sleep(1); // Simulate a wait time between requests
And I am running this to save output in timescale db like ./k6 run --out timescaledb=postgresql://localhost:5432/k6 dist/simulations/test.js --tag test_run_id=Test_9