Table with movingAverage as a column

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to create a table as shown below, but I have no idea how to make it.

 col1 | movingAverage Last 24 hour  | movingAverage Last 7 days 
1. foo|                                           123|                       122
2. bar|                                           454|                       455
3. baz|                                           890|                       891

My query is:

A: groupByNode(movingAverage(com.*.*.*.{foo,bar,baz}.*.*.time, '24hour'), 4, 'avg')
B: groupByNode(movingAverage(com.*.*.*.{foo,bar,baz}.*.*.time, '168hour'), 4, 'avg')

I’m using Grafana 7.4.2 and Graphite as a backend.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot.