Slack contact point error after saving

I am trying to set up a slack alert contact point to write to my channel. I can successfully send a test notification into the channel when I first input the Webhook URL but after saving the contact point and trying to send the test after the URL field says “configured” it will give me the error:

Failed to send test alert.: failed to send Slack message: failed to send request: Post “I1lqQXhaR1JpWWpRdFl6RmlOUzAwTTJObExXSXdZbVF0WkRRMFpEQXpNR00zWm1NeSMqWVdWekxXTm1ZZypPZnBUb1JuciWwMLPlyWd1gACXiIsSA2s7qVJ4DMIp8nIU/ku2l+77Sbp9jyjuECcNyqLkL6pMfxeANDDFiSVZjK3x+tx7QNuewlpI+CV2YTVxQqlSkzckYbVQo67ShJMoP3r9ZLws”: unsupported protocol scheme “”

welcome @anhnguyen2k

Try to reenter and save the slack Webhook URL in the contact point page

Also, I think it is a prerequisite that you have enabled incoming webhooks in your slack app
Sending messages using Incoming Webhooks | Slack

Even I’m facing the same issue without saving the contact point I’m able to send the test alert. but after saving the file receiving the below error.

Failed to send test alert.: failed to send Slack message: failed to send request: Post “I1lUTmlPVGMzTVdZdE1UVXlPQzAwWTJNekxUaGpNMlV0TlRnME1UUmpOamM0WldFMCMqWVdWekxXTm1ZZyp4Umw3NGF0Yk+t/YYII3hBi1DTuoNZ61F9VH2FgH27GrqrbhBsHEPHwBUdrNsZ6pOfZNeWPzMFC49MhwzFyIOePTcijEDk5br0pSvaNeeFbeSI9xtRvqdp3jmvzPdKq4egX3SwXxJZ”: unsupported protocol scheme “”

Any updates about this? Have same issue, I’m able to send the test alert before saving, after saving have same error.