level=warn ts=2023-05-24T16:01:03.767298774Z caller=grpc_logging.go:43 method=/logproto.Pusher/Push duration=965.209µs err=“rpc error: code = Code(429) desc = Maximum active stream limit exceeded, reduce the number of active streams (reduce labels or reduce label values), or contact your Loki administrator to see if the limit can be increased” msg=gRPC
I am getting the above exception in loki ingester.
Please help to fix these issue.
i am extracting the keys from json log stream and adding into labels. All those 8 labels i am using to build the dashboards.
ie - http_status_code, response, total_time, service_name
let suppose in grafana status code wise i need to take count of total request in grafana.
in my case i am using below query.
sum by(http_status_code) (count_over_time({job=“applogs”, service_name=“http-server”}[$__interval]))
can u help me to make the same output if i dont put any labels ie http_status_code and service_name ?