Promtail and grafana agent operator are stuck in CreateContainerError


What’s common with Promtail and Grafana agent operator that are both stuck in CreateContainerError?

  1. RHEL 8.9
  2. k3s 1.29, selinux enabled
  3. installed promtail using helm. (promtail-6.15.5)
  4. installed grafana-agent-operator as part of loki installation using helm loki-5.47.1, in singlebinary installation.
    • other pods, such as loki, loki-canary are running.
  5. installed grafana using helm [grafana-helm chart 7.3.7] running

error message:
grafana- agent operator:

Warning  Failed  8m52s (x1473 over 7h41m)  kubelet  (combined from similar events): Error: failed to create containerd container: error unpacking image: failed to extract layer sha256:da6ffece931cbcf6c3b04a1a9ab1251003332cd553c121ed174973020a796682: failed to unmount /k3s/data/agent/containerd/tmpmounts/containerd-mount3607510181: failed to unmount target /k3s/data/agent/containerd/tmpmounts/containerd-mount3607510181: device or resource busy: unknown


Warning  Failed  15m (x1518 over 8h)  kubelet  (combined from similar events): Error: failed to create containerd container: error unpacking image: failed to extract layer sha256:3c8879ab2cf25eb049af95711715b5b99d97490ab4eedbe8d0f160f53ef5a645: failed to unmount /k3s/data/agent/containerd/tmpmounts/containerd-mount3648689416: failed to unmount target /k3s/data/agent/containerd/tmpmounts/containerd-mount3648689416: device or resource busy: unknown