Privately signed plugin is not visible on grafana after deployment

I’m facing an issue in uploading the signed panel plugin. My panel plugin is getting signed successfully, but after uploading that to the grafana server, it’s not visible. I’m deploying it privately using a zip file.
Steps I followed to sign the plugin:

  1. created a grafana cloud account and then created an access policy as mentioned in the grafana docs. also, I kept the org name in my plugin ID, the same.

  2. Created the token and then signed the plugin with that token using these 2 commands:
    npx @grafana/sign-plugin@latest --rootUrls

  3. Instead of “” I have added my URL where I’m trying to deploy my private plugin.

  4. My panel is getting signed successfully.

  5. I zip my dist folder and then follow the process to unzip and upload the same way I was doing for my unsigned key.

But after uploading the Plugin is not showing up in grafana. what can be going wrong? Am I missing something?
Do I have to make some changes in code before signing the plugin like in docker files or config files?
Do I have to follow some important steps that I missed while signing the plugin?
Do I have to make any changes in ini file while uploading?


to clarify, are you trying to install a privately signed plugin in your Grafana Cloud Grafana instance? or in your own Grafana installation? how are you uploading the plugin?