Postman-to-k6 sends request twice

I use postman-to-k6 to convert my postman collection to a k6 script. When the k6 script is run, there is 50% http_req_failed. I realized that if it sends request to “temp. com/login”, it also sends request to “temp. com/”. Since there is no endpoint like “temp. com/”, there is failure. How can I solve this issue?

Hi @essnape, welcome to the community forum :tada:

, it also sends request to “temp. com/”. Since there is no endpoint like “temp. com/”, there is failure

Was the original postman collection making this request as well? If not this seems like a bug in postman-to-k6.

If it is in the collection I guess you should be able to set a per request responseCallback (docs here) if you justy want to check that you will get 404.

Also of note is that I am not certain the maintainer of postman-to-k6 is actually reading this, so it might be better to ask in their discussions.

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Could I use this twice?