Plugin panels and unique request to data source

Hello. I’m trying to make a plug-in panels. I want for my plug-in panels to perform unique queries (read/write) to the data source. And I would like to ask, is it possible to use the data source class QueryCtrl in the plug-in panels?

No, you only get access to the datasource abstraction via the datasourceSrv get method

Thanks for the feedback. I also wanted to clarify: do I understand correctly if I want to make a unique query to the data source in my “panel” plugin, then I can use the “issueQueries(datasource)” method in which I can change the query data and send a request to the data source, like “datasource.query(metricsQuery)”, where “metricsQuery” is the unique requested data.

just inherit from MetricsPanelCtrl and subscribe to data received event

This is understandable, I meant about a write query. I want to realize the ability to make comments that are written to the database

write query? there is no such thing

Hi how do I call the simpleJson data source from my panel plugin